Our Core Values

  1. We respect honesty and forthrightness. We adhere to the highest ethical standards, provide timely, accurate and complete information, we encourage prompt disclosure of bad news and welcome disagreement.

  2. We surround ourselves with awesome, fun, passionate, productive, talented, self-motivated people committed to each other and the community. We are here because we believe we fit that definition.

  3. The team concept means that we can achieve much more together than apart. Although each of us is remarkable and amazing in our own niche …. there is no stage here for rock stars seeking their own glory.

  4. We are a small team and we all pitch in and help out where ever and whenever needed – No one is above taking out the trash!

  5. We are always refining and improving our processes — both personally and as a team.

  6. We work smarter, not harder.

  7. Our unofficial motto is: “All things subject to change.” We laugh about it, but it’s true.

  8. In this economy, and most specifically because we are a “tech” company, we must be nimble, adaptable, flexible, and responsive.

  9. Principles and values don’t change. We believe in doing things the right way.

  10. Our customers pay our salaries. They keep the lights on and allow us to do what we love every day. Without our customers we don’t have a business.

  11. Because of our goals and ideals in the customer service field, sometimes we can get frustrated, but we honestly treat our customers like a community that we’ve been privileged to be part of.